We are CALMtown.
Connecting the people of St Ives, Cambridgeshire, to develop a community-led approach to mental health.
Training: First Aider for Mental Health
Next date: Saturday 29th April 2023
St Ives Corn Exchange
£30 per person

On this one-day 'First Aider for Mental Health' training course you’ll learn more about mental health and how to provide advice and support if someone near you shares that they’re experiencing mental health difficulties. You’ll also find out how to recognise a range of different mental health conditions; learn about the first aid action plan for mental health, and how you can recognise and manage stress.
Open to all who live and/or work in St Ives and neighbouring villages.
See the First Aid for Mental Health page for full details.
The Coronation weekend (6th-8th May), and throughout June (Month of Community)
Get involved and get connected to your neighbourhood!
The Big Lunch is an annual nationwide initiative run by the Eden Project, encouraging streets across the country to hold a get together. The Big Lunch is about getting together with neighbours from your block, street or neighbourhood to celebrate community and connect to each other.
For more details of resources and how to get involved, see our page The Big Lunch 2023.
CALMtown is a small organisation run by volunteers who wish to make a positive difference to the mental wellbeing of the people of St Ives.
CALMtown is not responsible for the content or reliability of any of the websites to which it is linked and any link from this website should not be considered as an endorsement of any kind.
CALMtown encourages others to take the initiative themselves and make a difference in their own lives and communities, by connecting with others. The ideas for ways to connect that are shown on this website are ideas only, not templates, and any individuals inspired to conduct their own events, do so at their own risk.
No liability will be accepted by CALMtown.