Mental Health First Aid Training
'First Aider for Mental Health' training for St Ives businesses and community groups in 2023
Next training course: 29th April 2023 - sign up details below
What is happening?
Imagine a town where open, authentic mental health conversations are a part of everyday working life.
CALMtown St Ives are organising Mental Health First Aid training sessions, and we're calling on all local businesses, voluntary groups and residents to sign up and get involved .

What is Mental Health First Aid?

We all have mental health, and just like our physical health, it needs looking after. Mental health first aiders are trained to recognise mental ill health and help people find the support they need; just as a physical first aider would provide basic help for a broken bone until the injured person could reach a medical professional.
The skills learned on a mental health first aid training course benefit the trained individual, and the people they live and work with. In customer-facing organisations like hairdressing and hospitality, this benefit extends to the wider community.
Mental ill health has an economic as well as a human cost: in 2015/16, stress was responsible for 37% of all cases of work-related ill health and 45% of all working days lost due to health issues in Great Britain. It is not yet a legal requirement to have a mental health first aider in your workplace, but everyone benefits when mental health is discussed and supported in the open.
To register interest, please email:, or contact us via our Contact Us page.
How do I get involved?
Our first one-day First Aider for Mental Health course (a Level 2 Ofqual regulated qualification) is being offered by Topaz Health:
Date: Saturday 29th April 2023
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Location: St Ives Corn Exchange, PE27 5AD
Cost: £30.00 per person (subsidised by CALMtown St Ives - usual cost £75.00 per person)
Price includes course materials and certificates; please bring your own lunch and refreshments. The coffee shop at the Corn Exchange will be open throughout the training.
Full course details can be downloaded here.
Please contact Suzi Gibbs-Chalmers at to book your place.
To register your interest for future course dates, please email, or contact us via our Contact Us page.